Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 21st International Symposium of the Portuguese Society for Metabolic Disorders (SPDM). This year´s programme will focus on “Raising awareness on Inherited Metabolic Disorders”, with the scope to explore and review the main advances in the field of Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD). The Symposium programme has the privilege to count on the participation of outstanding experts from national IMD reference institutions as well as international worldwide experts who will bring you the most recent scientific advances in the IMD field, including challenges in newborn screening, innovation in diagnostic techniques and new approaches to IMD treatment. We will also have a special focus on neurometabolic disorders. We hope that participants can get together in person, so important for exchange of ideas in an informal environment. The Sana Metropolitan Hotel offers ideal conference conditions in a modern and pleasant atmosphere, located right in the Lisbon city centre. This meeting has been made possible by the support of the sponsors, which we acknowledge. We are delighted to be hosting the 2025 SPDM Annual Symposium, hoping that it will be a success, and very much look forward to welcome all of you in Lisbon.
Organizing Committee
21st SPDM International Symposium